Sharing our passion for nature and raising awareness about conservation issues impacting our world.
AC Tern.jpg

Flight Path

Birds have had presence and meaning in my life from a very young age.  From the big yellow bird who lived on Sesame Street, to thinking that it was a stork that brought me my baby sister, birds have always been a fascinating mystery.  While listening to the distinctive calls from the peacock farm behind my house, and upon discovering a tiny egg in a hummingbird’s nest in the unassuming hickory tree next to the lake path, birds have always piqued my curiosity and fanned my passion for nature.  I imagine many people have their own little snippets and memories when a bird alighted on the shoulder of their being.

So, shouldn’t we be worried that populations of our birds are dwindling?  Shouldn’t we be aghast when we hear that the population of the red knot has declined 50% over a twenty year period?  And how about the greater sage grouse, whose numbers have decreased 88% in that same time?  But we continue building our beautiful housing developments, destroying habitats as we go.  We tear out the indigenous “weeds” in our side yard and plant flowering tropical imports.  We don’t stop to consider the impact of our daily choices and we shield ourselves from the concerns of the extinction of the whooping crane.  

But why does all this really matter?  As a start, birds are an essential component of a functional ecosystem and contribute to our health and well-being in numerous ways.  Without birds to pollinate our crops and flowers and to eat mosquitos and other insect pests, humans would be at a real agricultural disadvantage.  

What can be done, then?  I believe awareness and acknowledgment are the first steps.  Conservation means caring about the future, and I am confident more of us would be concerned about the plight of the snowy plover, if we only knew about the problem.  This project aims to show you, my viewers, birds that need your help.  It intends to highlight the habitats our feathered friends need for nesting, wintering and migrating.  My goal is to leave you with thoughts of finding out how you can make a difference to the birds in your life.



Wind Turbulence

Wind Turbulence

Friendlier Glass

Friendlier Glass

Changing Climate

Changing Climate

Night Flight Peril

Night Flight Peril

Refining Freedom

Refining Freedom

Turf War

Turf War

Missing Children

Missing Children

Water Mis-Management

Water Mis-Management

Prairie-less Chickens

Prairie-less Chickens

Urban Over-development

Urban Over-development

Lead (Shot) Poisoning

Lead (Shot) Poisoning

Chemical Warfare

Chemical Warfare

Avian Haven

Avian Haven

Date Retreat

Date Retreat

Winter Hideaway

Winter Hideaway

Road Trip Sanctuary

Road Trip Sanctuary

Shade Grown

Shade Grown

Migration Oasis

Migration Oasis

Making Strides

Making Strides